Wynwood Fitness Club

CrossFit WFC

Embracing Excellence

Mechanics. Consistency. Intensity.

WFC's mission is to provide the tools for all of our members to fully realize their physical human potential. We believe and have seen that the best way to do this is a three step process:
  1. Mechanics: learn how to physically perform a new skill with minimal intensity
  2. Consistency:practice that skill until we can perform it consistently well.
  3. Intensity:increase the intensity in weight or speed until there is a slight degredation in mechanics. Then go back to step one and perfect the mechanics at higher intensity.

Gymnastics Skills

When is the last time you did something for the first time?

At WFC it will be pretty soon. That's our commitment. You will find yourself doing things you never thought possible at WFC. Unlike conventional boot-camps, WFC teaches everybody how to expand the horizons of what their body is capable of. There is a huge range from getting your first pull-up to your first muscle up to learning how to hand stand walk up a ramp, we take the time to teach how to connect with your body in ways you may never have thought possible.

Rope Climb

Hands On, Individualized Coaching

WFC's coaches motivate andeducate. They go beyond pushing to you move faster and lift heavy to teach you how to move your body to do incredible things you never thought possible.

Movement Standards

Measurement is the root of all progress and is critical in fitness. At the heart of CrossFit is the philosophy that movements must be performed to standards, otherwise your measurements are meaningless. We practice this and at WFC our coaches will always be there to educate on proper standards of movement, let you know when you're meeting them, and guide your technique when you are not.
boz doing boz things

Heavy Weights

Heavy resistance training is the single most effective way to build muscle and increase bone density. WFC makes heavy resistance training accessible for all levels and we ensure that our members regularly get the exposure they need.

The benefits of increased lean mass from resistance training are numerous and well documented but include significantly increased metabolism, injury-resistance, and functional capabilities.

Come get strong with us!